Friday, August 1, 2008

The Democrats Fail To Pass CORI Reform……….Again!


We should be familiar with this story by now. Year after year the Democratic super majority in the Massachusetts Legislature appear to be poised to pass a CORI reform bill just to let it die quietly. This year was no different. H.B. 5004 offered minor CORI reform change but it was a positive bill nonetheless.

We still live in a state where a non-conviction record cannot be sealed for 10-15 years and workers will continue to be discriminated against. It doesn’t matter much to the Democrats on Beacon Hill that innocent people are barred from working in MA as long as they get the financial support of big business to finance their re-election campaigns.

Business groups like the Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM) filled the campaign coffers of our elected officials for their re-election bids as we watched any hope we had to end this discrimination fall by the wayside. This is something we should not and cannot forget when election time rolls around.

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