Saturday, April 12, 2008

Illegal Employer Practices

If it is illegal for an employer to use, request or store CORI information from job applicants that do not have convictions then why does the Commonwealth of MA continue to send them this information? Is the Criminal Offender Systems Board in violation of Massachusetts law?

Employers have been given a free ride to discriminate against hard working Americans for too long. Please support CORI reform. Contact Governor Patrick and your state representatives to let them know this illegal practice needs to stop and you support real CORI reform not the Governors watered down proposal that does nothing to address the important issue of employer discrimination against Massachusetts residents with non-conviction CORI records.

Chapter 151B: Section 4. Unlawful practices
Section 4. It shall be an unlawful practice:

9. For an employer, himself or through his agent, in connection with an application for employment, or the terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, or the transfer, promotion, bonding, or discharge of any person, or in any other matter relating to the employment of any person, to request any information, to make or keep a record of such information, to use any form of application or application blank which requests such information, or to exclude, limit or otherwise discriminate against any person by reason of his or her failure to furnish such information through a written application or oral inquiry or otherwise regarding: (i) an arrest, detention, or disposition regarding any violation of law in which no conviction resulted.......

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