Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Call-In for CORI Reform This Week!


Posted Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Tuesday, March 18th was the final day for Committees to hold Public Hearings on proposed legislation for the rest of 2008. The Governor’s CORI Bill #4476 was among the half-dozen bills heard. The CORI proposal is being held up in the Judiciary Committee, and can only become law if the Chairmen of the Committee favorably report out the bill within the next several weeks. The decision to allow CORI reform or to stop it is in the hands of these two men:

Rep. Chair Eugene O’Flaherty (D - Chelsea Charlestown): 617-722-2396 /
Sen. Chair Robert Creedon (D - Brockton): (617) 722-1200 /

After over 3 years of CORI hearings, tens of thousands of supporters, backing from the Governor, the Globe, the Sheriffs, the Bishop the Unions and 80 organizations across the state, call the Chairmen to demand action now!

“Hello, my name is ___________, calling from ___________. I am calling to ask Chairman O’Flaherty / Creedon to quickly and favorably report out a comprehensive CORI reform bill. While the Governor’s proposal is a good step, it is lacking “fair hiring” protections that would remove the felony box from job applications. The waiting period to seal CORIs should also be lowered to 7 and 3 years, and non-convictions and juvenile records should never be used to deny a person a job. As Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, I will be extremely disappointed with Rep. O’Flaherty / Sen. Creedon if he does not take action soon. There is no excuse for not reforming the CORI now.”

Make your voices heard, please spread the word, and thank you for making quick phone calls to the Judiciary Committee today!

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