Friday, January 11, 2008

Patrick moves to reform criminal records law

Associated Press - January 11, 2008 4:24 PM ET

BOSTON (AP) - Governor Deval Patrick is taking steps to reform the state Criminal Offender Record Information system.

Critics say the "CORI" system prevents people from getting a second chance after they've served prison or probation terms, and even after being cleared of criminal charges.
Employers can search CORI records to weed out job applicants.
Patrick has filed legislation that would shorten the number of years people must wait before sealing their records.

Currently, the wait after felony convictions is 15 years. Patrick wants to shorten it to 10 years. And the wait on misdemeanor convictions would fall from 10 to five years to seal records.
Patrick also issued an executive order saying a criminal background check can only be ordered after an applicant has been deemed qualified.

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